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Bath and North East Somerset
Gazetteer Entries in Bath and North East Somerset, England
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Abbots Wood
Forest or Wood
Keynsham ST645672
Aldermoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlcombe ST737692
Ash Brake
Forest or Wood
Timsbury ST680600
Ash Plantation
Forest or Wood
Charlcombe ST720683
Ashbed Plantation
Forest or Wood
Claverton ST784646
Ashcombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Swainswick ST750698
Ashery Gully
Newton St. Loe ST700637
Ashton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Corston ST675653
Atgrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST654630
Baggeridge Belt
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST744563
Baggeridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST750564
Bailey's Wood
Forest or Wood
Batheaston ST769692
Bamfield's Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlcombe ST737687
Banner Down
Forest or Wood
Bath ST791685
Barelegs Brake (Valley)
Stowey-Sutton ST594588
Barelegs Brake (Wood)
Forest or Wood
Stowey-Sutton ST594588
Barrow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Farmborough ST642600
Barrow Vale
Farmborough ST648604
Bathampton Down
Hill or Mountain
Bath ST773650
Bathampton Down
Hill or Mountain
Bath ST775655
Bathampton Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST778653
Bathwick Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST766652
Beech Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST755618
Bengrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Camerton ST688585
Bitham's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chew Magna ST561642
Blackberry Hill
Hill or Mountain
Clutton ST639601
Blackmoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Southstoke ST757599
Blagdon Lake
Inland Water
Nempnett Thrubwell ST513597
Brake Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST744596
Breach Brake
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST757569
Breach Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chew Stoke ST540596
Breach Hill Common
Forest or Wood
Chew Stoke ST544599
Breach Wood
Forest or Wood
Englishcombe ST725624
Broad Wood
Forest or Wood
Stowey-Sutton ST595590
Broadhill Copse
Forest or Wood
West Harptree ST579582
Brockham Wood
Forest or Wood
North Stoke ST716693
Brook Copse
Forest or Wood
Stowey-Sutton ST582604
Bubbin's Brake
Forest or Wood
Temple Cloud ST623584
Buckley Wood
Forest or Wood
East Harptree ST573544
Burledge Common
Forest or Wood
Bishop Sutton ST584586
Burledge Hill
Hill or Mountain
Bishop Sutton ST588589
Burledge Hill
Hill or Mountain
West Harptree ST585585
Bushy Common
Other Landcover
West Harptree ST582576
Butcher's Wood
Forest or Wood
Swainswick ST754694
Butler's Gully
Stanton Drew ST613608
Cam Brook
Other Water Feature
Dunkerton and Tunley ST705585
Camerton Wood
Forest or Wood
Peasedown St John ST693571
Cary Moor
Other Landcover
Marksbury ST658614
Castle Wood
Forest or Wood
Stowey-Sutton ST596592
Catsley Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST636646
Chapel Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlcombe ST728689
Charlcombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlcombe ST744682
Charlton Bottom
Keynsham ST637686
Charlton Field
Other Landcover
Compton Dando ST632659
Charmy Down
Other Landcover
Swainswick ST761699
Cherrywell Wood
Forest or Wood
Batheaston ST761692
Chew Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chew Magna ST569642
Chew Magna Reservoir
Inland Water
Chew Magna ST566632
Chew Valley
Chew Magna ST574623
Chew Valley Lake
Inland Water
Stowey-Sutton ST567595
Chew Valley Lake
Other Water Feature
Stowey-Sutton ST575605
Chewton Wood
Forest or Wood
Farrington Gurney ST612553
Chilcombe Bottom
Batheaston ST771685
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST656648
Church Wood
Forest or Wood
Newton St. Loe ST698649
Cinderlands Brake
Forest or Wood
Stowey-Sutton ST601593
Clan Down
Other Landcover
Radstock ST676563
Claverton Wood
Forest or Wood
Claverton ST781631
Cleaves Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST757576
Cleaves Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST755575
Cockroad Wood
Forest or Wood
Chelwood ST636612
Combe Down
Other Landcover
Bath ST753619
Other Landcover
Batheaston ST768679
Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Marksbury ST654623
Compton Combe
Compton Martin ST539565
Compton Common
Other Landcover
Compton Dando ST641637
Conygre Brook
Other Water Feature
Priston ST685615
Conygre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Claverton ST785638
Cook's Gully
Nempnett Thrubwell ST533594
Coombe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Catherine ST770706
Corston Field
Other Landcover
Newton St. Loe ST681647
Cowleaze Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Catherine ST770700
Cripp's Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Catherine ST765707
Croxham Orchard
Forest or Wood
Bath ST779675
Culvery Wood
Forest or Wood
Pensford ST615640
Curl's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chew Magna ST596617
Dead Man Wood
Forest or Wood
Bathford ST796642
Denny Island
Stowey-Sutton ST575605
Denny Woods
Forest or Wood
Chew Magna ST578608
Dog Kennel Wood
Forest or Wood
Newton St. Loe ST689637
Dowling's Wood
Forest or Wood
Stowey-Sutton ST609600
Down Wood
Forest or Wood
Combe Hay ST725611
Duncorn Hill
Hill or Mountain
Dunkerton and Tunley ST710606
Dunnyham Brake
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST739598
East Harptree Woods
Forest or Wood
East Harptree ST554547
Easton Wood
Forest or Wood
Farrington Gurney ST623553
Eastover Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bath ST732620
Engine Wood
Forest or Wood
Combe Hay ST742606
Fairy Hill
Hill or Mountain
Compton Dando ST642651
Fairy Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST767631
Fairy Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST644653
Farleigh Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST796583
Farmborough Common
Other Landcover
Timsbury ST674601
Featherbed Brake
Forest or Wood
Clutton ST613606
Fir Copse
Forest or Wood
Marksbury ST657621
Fir Wood
Forest or Wood
Kelston ST708661
Fir Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST656646
Fishpond Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Catherine ST775702
Follet's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bathford ST799638
Folly Wood
Forest or Wood
Corston ST680659
Folly Wood
Forest or Wood
Midsomer Norton ST653540
Folly Wood
Forest or Wood
Stowey-Sutton ST608607
Foxhall Brake
Forest or Wood
Charlcombe ST716680
Foxhall Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlcombe ST717685
Frances Plantation
Forest or Wood
East Harptree ST552545
Free Fields
Forest or Wood
Bath ST764628
Friary Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST785590
Fry's Bottom
Chelwood ST628610
Fry's Bottom Wood
Forest or Wood
Chelwood ST628609
Garrow Bottom
East Harptree ST551550
Glebe Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST657640
Godwin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST742600
Goss Plantation
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST658642
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST645658
Greyfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Clutton ST636584
Grove Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST740611
Grove Wood
Forest or Wood
Radstock ST682538
Gully Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST656643
Hammerhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Norton Malreward ST600644
Hang Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST767593
Hankley Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST755587
Harptree Combe
East Harptree ST561559
Hartley Wood
Forest or Wood
Batheaston ST753706
Hartley Wood
Forest or Wood
Chelwood ST634605
Hengrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Claverton ST781645
Hengrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Farrington Gurney ST618552
Herons Green
Other Landcover
Chew Stoke ST552593
Herriotts Mill Pool
Inland Water
West Harptree ST571580
Highbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Clutton ST635585
Hills Wills Brake
Forest or Wood
High Littleton ST641580
Hill or Mountain
Southstoke ST747609
Hog Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST774595
Hoggen Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bath ST730620
Hollow Marsh Meadow
Forest or Wood
Farrington Gurney ST612560
Holts Down
Other Landcover
Bath ST770695
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Bathford ST793647
Horsecombe Vale
Southstoke ST754618
Horsehouse Brake
Forest or Wood
Swainswick ST755691
Hungerford Bottom
Marksbury ST655619
Hunstrete Plantation
Forest or Wood
Marksbury ST641623
Hunterwick Wood
Forest or Wood
Batheaston ST754707
Hursley Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Publow ST618655
Iford Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST796585
Jack's Wood
Forest or Wood
Midsomer Norton ST653537
James's Brake
Forest or Wood
Cameley ST605573
Jubilee Plantation
Forest or Wood
Batheaston ST762688
Kelston Round Hill
Hill or Mountain
Kelston ST710674
Kelston Round Hill
Hill or Mountain
Charlcombe ST715675
Kennet & Avon Canal
Other Water Feature
Claverton ST785645
Kingcopse Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST785577
Kingsfield Brake
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST759569
Klondyke Copse
Forest or Wood
Bath and North East Somerset, unparished area ST767632
Knap Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinton Blewett ST585565
Knowle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chew Magna ST584613
Lady Wood
Forest or Wood
East Harptree ST575545
Lansdown Hill
Hill or Mountain
Charlcombe ST730682
Lansdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST743669
Larch Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath and North East Somerset, unparished area ST775630
Limekiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath and North East Somerset, unparished area ST779638
Little Common
Forest or Wood
West Harptree ST584577
Little Klondyke Copse
Forest or Wood
Bath and North East Somerset, unparished area ST772631
Little Solsbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Batheaston ST767679
Little Solsbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Swainswick ST765685
Long Dole Wood
Forest or Wood
Farrington Gurney ST609561
Long Lands
Other Landcover
Clutton ST635581
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath and North East Somerset, unparished area ST772629
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Priston ST685604
Lons Brake
Forest or Wood
North Stoke ST706693
Lord's Wood
Forest or Wood
Publow ST633630
Lower Common
Other Landcover
West Harptree ST583570
Lower Plantation
Forest or Wood
Camerton ST692575
Lower Reservoir
Inland Water
East Harptree ST587554
Lower Wood
Forest or Wood
Peasedown St. John ST699559
Lyegrove Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Catherine ST778697
Lyes Wood
Forest or Wood
Priston ST685595
Lyncombe Vale
Bath ST754635
Maes Knoll
Hill or Mountain
Norton Malreward ST600660
Manor Road Community Wood
Forest or Wood
Keynsham ST666671
Marksbury Plain
Other Landcover
Marksbury ST658614
Marksbury Vale
Marksbury ST662629
Middle Wood
Forest or Wood
Englishcombe ST725618
Midford Brook
Other Water Feature
Monkton Combe ST765615
Mountain Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST793664
Nap Hill
Hill or Mountain
Clutton ST631599
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST750563
Nunnery Copse
Forest or Wood
Chew Stoke ST561598
Old Down
Other Landcover
Stanton Drew ST612634
Padleigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST722630
Padley Bottom
Bath and North East Somerset, unparished area ST723628
Park Copse
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST641648
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Newton St. Loe ST692640
Parson's Brake
Forest or Wood
Camerton ST679572
Paul Wood
Forest or Wood
Cameley ST612579
Peaks Girt Wood
Forest or Wood
East Harptree ST589554
Pendown Hill
Hill or Mountain
Priston ST680620
Pennyplatt Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST763588
Pennyquick Bottom
Englishcombe ST713643
Pennyslait Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST774693
Pipley Wood
Forest or Wood
North Stoke ST714694
Plough Patch Copse
Forest or Wood
West Harptree ST579581
Poorfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST762594
Prestick Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST755574
Priest Barrow
Hill or Mountain
Farmborough ST677607
Primrose Hill Community Woodland
Forest or Wood
Bath ST737668
Priory Wood
Forest or Wood
Southstoke ST760615
Priston Wood
Forest or Wood
Priston ST686597
Publow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Publow ST629653
Publow Wood
Forest or Wood
Publow ST624639
Purnell's Gully
Chelwood ST633611
Rainbow Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST765632
Rainbow Wood
Forest or Wood
Dunkerton and Tunley ST723598
Rainbow Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST758595
Ramscombe Bottom
Batheaston ST772690
Ratty Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST637654
Redfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Midsomer Norton ST651535
Ring Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST753566
River Avon
Other Water Feature
Keynsham ST675685
River Chew
Other Water Feature
Chew Magna ST575625
River Chew
Other Water Feature
Compton Dando ST655655
River Somer
Other Water Feature
Midsomer Norton ST675545
River Yeo
Other Water Feature
Ubley ST535585
Round Clump
Forest or Wood
High Littleton ST642582
Round Hill
Hill or Mountain
Camerton ST689558
Roundhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST657629
Rowley Wood
Forest or Wood
Combe Hay ST741609
Salter's Brook
Other Water Feature
Stanton Drew ST615615
Sandpit Shrubbery
Forest or Wood
Kelston ST705668
Scotland Bottom
Bristol ST633696
Scout Centenary Wood
Forest or Wood
Newton St. Loe ST700627
Settle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Publow ST612647
Settle Hill
Hill or Mountain
Pensford ST615645
Seven Acre Wood
Forest or Wood
Newton St. Loe ST709651
Shagbear Wood
Forest or Wood
Kelston ST709668
Shockerwick Wood
Forest or Wood
Bathford ST799691
Short Wood
Forest or Wood
Batheaston ST761687
Shortwood Common
Other Landcover
Hinton Blewett ST596553
Shoulder of Mutton Covert
Forest or Wood
Keynsham ST636687
Smallcombe Vale
Bath and North East Somerset, unparished area ST760642
Smallcombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST766641
Smitham Hill
Hill or Mountain
East Harptree ST555545
Soper's Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlcombe ST745679
Hill or Mountain
Bath ST724633
Sparrow Grove
Forest or Wood
West Harptree ST583580
Stantonbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Marksbury ST672636
Starvelark Wood
Forest or Wood
Camerton ST681566
Stephen's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hallatrow ST638577
Stillcombe Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Catherine ST774704
Stockwood Vale
Keynsham ST638686
Stonedge Common
Other Landcover
Chew Stoke ST553612
Stowey Bottom
Stowey-Sutton ST590603
Strawberry Wood
Forest or Wood
Stowey-Sutton ST592588
Summerhill Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Catherine ST762706
Summerhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Kelston ST699661
Tadwick Wood
Forest or Wood
Swainswick ST748703
Tait Wood
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST761572
Tennant's Wood
Forest or Wood
Kelston ST693665
Tennygrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Bathford ST797690
The Cam
Other Water Feature
Cameley ST615575
The Combe
Radstock ST706546
The Dell
East Harptree ST571547
The Further Covert
Forest or Wood
Keynsham ST633685
The Grove
Forest or Wood
East Harptree ST564547
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Hinton Blewett ST586560
The Hare Warren
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST740568
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Hinton Charterhouse ST780586
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Norton Malreward ST599647
The Shrubbery
Forest or Wood
Freshford ST782593
The Sleight
Hill or Mountain
Timsbury ST655595
Timsbury Bottom
Timsbury ST657581
Tuckson Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST757573
Tut's Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST740596
Twerton Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST720650
Twinhoe Green
Other Landcover
Wellow ST749592
Twinhoeford Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST759590
Tynemoor Wood
Forest or Wood
Stowey-Sutton ST609595
Ubley Wood
Forest or Wood
Ubley ST522577
Underdown Wood
Forest or Wood
Wellow ST737592
Vernham Wood
Forest or Wood
Englishcombe ST731618
Vernham Wood
Forest or Wood
Bath ST735615
Vinery Wood
Forest or Wood
Newton St. Loe ST693637
Vineyard Bottom
Claverton ST785635
Warleigh Wood
Forest or Wood
Claverton ST795635
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
Combe Hay ST737604
Week Wood
Forest or Wood
Combe Hay ST728605
Well Head Wood
Forest or Wood
Camerton ST686570
Wellow Brook
Other Water Feature
Wellow ST755585
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Swainswick ST753692
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Englishcombe ST721611
Weston Wood
Forest or Wood
Charlcombe ST715683
Whistley Wood
Forest or Wood
Norton Malreward ST597645
Whistling Copse
Forest or Wood
Priston ST700638
White Hill
Hill or Mountain
West Harptree ST585575
Wick Green Copse
Forest or Wood
Stowey-Sutton ST573589
Wickham's Gully
East Harptree ST577544
Widcombe Common
Other Landcover
West Harptree ST576579
Wilmington Copse
Forest or Wood
Priston ST690619
Winsbury Hill
Hill or Mountain
Marksbury ST670631
Wiscombe Brake
Forest or Wood
High Littleton ST644574
Wood Covert
Forest or Wood
Keynsham ST637688
Woodenhouse Covert
Forest or Wood
Newton St. Loe ST693647
Woodford Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chew Stoke ST562612
Woodford Hill
Hill or Mountain
Chew Stoke ST565615
Woodleaze Wood
Forest or Wood
Bathford ST795689
Wooscombe Bottom
Compton Dando ST640655
Wooscombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Compton Dando ST638653
Workshop Covert
Forest or Wood
Newton St. Loe ST697646
Yarngrove Wood
Forest or Wood
Batheaston ST771692