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North Lincolnshire
Gazetteer Entries in North Lincolnshire, England
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Adlingfleet Common
Other Landcover
Eastoft SE816191
Alcock Holt
Forest or Wood
Burton upon Stather SE883170
Alder Carr Wood
Forest or Wood
Ulceby TA129137
Alder Wood
Forest or Wood
Ulceby TA129134
Aldham Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scawby SE946040
Aldham Plantn
Forest or Wood
Scawby SE945045
America Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redbourne SK984976
America Wood
Forest or Wood
Manton SE921027
Anderson's Holt
Forest or Wood
Flixborough SE875155
Ash Holt
Forest or Wood
Kirton in Lindsey SE940012
Ashby Decoy
Other Water Feature
Scunthorpe SE865085
Barkers Holt
Forest or Wood
Burton upon Stather SE885185
Barn Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme SE939064
Barton Belt
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA026116
Beaulah Wood
Forest or Wood
Scawby SE954061
Beckingham Shaw
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE955065
Belgraves Wood
Forest or Wood
Belton SE792056
Bennett's New Covert
Forest or Wood
Bonby TA009172
Betty Holmes Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirmington TA113118
Black Hoe Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme SE922049
Black Hoe Plantn
Forest or Wood
Holme SE925055
Black Walk Plantation
Forest or Wood
Manton SE913017
Blow Wells Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barton-upon-Humber TA011228
Boating Dike
Other Water Feature
Belton SE745105
Bog Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme SE941063
Bottesford Beck
Other Water Feature
Scunthorpe SE885065
Bow and Arrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme SE931064
Bowers Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme SE927053
Forest or Wood
Roxby cum Risby SE924158
Brandicar Covert
Forest or Wood
Cadney TA055034
Brick Hills
Forest or Wood
Holme SE939069
Broom Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme SE920043
Broomfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE973085
Broughton Common
Other Landcover
Broughton SE974106
Broughton Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE971067
Broughton Lane Plantation
Forest or Wood
Brigg SE975065
Brumby Common West
Other Landcover
Gunness SE858100
Brumby Wood
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE880104
Bullwood Holt
Forest or Wood
Burton upon Stather SE900169
Burkinshaw's Covert
Forest or Wood
Immingham TA162182
Burnt Strip
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE933118
Burton Wood
Forest or Wood
Flixborough SE868165
Burton Wood
Forest or Wood
Burton upon Stather SE865165
Buskey Wood
Forest or Wood
West Butterwick SE807076
Butters Wood
Forest or Wood
Goxhill TA103197
Butterwick Common
Other Landcover
Bottesford SE854062
Cadney Reservoir
Inland Water
Cadney TA013046
Camp Covert
Forest or Wood
Melton Ross TA081119
Carr Side Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA016113
Castlethorpe Covert
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE985081
Chalybeate Spring
Other Water Feature
Winteringham SE945215
Chase Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Immingham TA157191
Chase Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
North Killingholme TA155195
Chase Wood
Forest or Wood
Ulceby TA124124
Chowder Ness
Barton-upon-Humber TA007233
Clapgate Reservoir
Inland Water
Appleby SE944115
Clearwater Lake
Inland Water
Crowle SE780115
Cliff Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE878113
Cliff Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE882120
Clough Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA006120
Coleby Wood
Forest or Wood
Burton upon Stather SE872194
Coles Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE871109
Common Plantation
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE949124
Common Plantn
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE945125
Cora's Wood
Forest or Wood
Crowle SE764124
Coronation Wood
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE939112
Cottagers Dale Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirmington TA115085
Cow Close Holt
Forest or Wood
Alkborough SE883204
Crosby Warren
Other Landcover
Scunthorpe SE904128
Crow Wood Plantation
Forest or Wood
Saxby All Saints SE986164
Crowle Common
Other Landcover
Crowle SE760142
Crowle Waste
Other Landcover
Crowle SE754148
Croxton Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wootton TA072130
Decoy Covert
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA010112
Barton-upon-Humber TA048190
Deepdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA031130
Dent Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE954063
Derrythorpe Common
Other Landcover
West Butterwick SE822084
Dixon Wood
Forest or Wood
Belton SE803077
Dog Horse Plantation
Forest or Wood
Belton SE797083
Dudley Covert
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE938141
Dunkirk Wood
Forest or Wood
Wootton TA068146
East Field
Other Landcover
Garthorpe SE835183
East Green
Other Landcover
Garthorpe SE832187
East Halton Beck
Other Water Feature
East Halton TA125185
East Halton Beck
Other Water Feature
Goxhill TA125215
East Halton Skitter
East Halton TA147229
East Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA034127
East Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE966098
Eastoft Moor
Other Landcover
Eastoft SE802168
Eleven Acre Plantation
Forest or Wood
Saxby All Saints SE980150
Elsham Hill
Hill or Mountain
Worlaby TA027135
Far Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE958104
Fir Bed Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alkborough SE875196
First Wood
Forest or Wood
Scawby SE958061
First Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE958064
Fishpond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE942122
Fishpond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Belton SE806062
Fockerby Pasture
Other Landcover
Garthorpe SE837190
Folly Drain
Other Water Feature
Epworth SE755055
Folly Drain
Other Water Feature
Belton SE795095
Forth Carr Plantation
Forest or Wood
Saxby All Saints SE984157
Four Acre Clump
Forest or Wood
Saxby All Saints SE980159
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
South Ferriby SE995215
Fox Covert Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bonby TA015176
Foxhills Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE880133
Gadbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE948077
Gadbury Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE955075
Gallows Covert
Forest or Wood
Barnetby le Wold TA049104
Gervase Covert
Other Landcover
Scunthorpe SE917139
Gleadow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barnetby le Wold TA082090
Gokewell Strip
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE943096
Gorse Covert
Forest or Wood
Saxby All Saints SE975162
Gravel Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Belton SE813060
Great Fish Pond
Inland Water
Redbourne SK978992
Great Moor
Forest or Wood
Wrawby TA026102
Great Woods
Forest or Wood
Luddington and Haldenby SE820172
Gull Pond
Inland Water
Holme SE939057
Gull Ponds
Inland Water
Holme SE939059
Gull Ponds
Other Water Feature
Holme SE935055
Gunness Common
Other Landcover
Gunness SE852116
Haldenby Common
Other Landcover
Eastoft SE816178
Hall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE950153
Halton Drain
Other Water Feature
West Halton SE915215
Hatfield Waste Drain
Other Water Feature
Crowle SE755105
Haxey Carr
Forest or Wood
Haxey SE748018
Hayes Wood
Forest or Wood
Redbourne SE996000
Hendale Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirmington TA100077
Heron Holt
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE951103
High Wood
Forest or Wood
Scawby SE946059
Hill Side Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alkborough SE877214
Hill Side Plantation
Forest or Wood
Saxby All Saints SE993170
Hill Top Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alkborough SE871200
Hillside Plantation
Forest or Wood
Worlaby TA022132
Holme Plantation
Forest or Wood
Messingham SE911052
Holme Plantn
Forest or Wood
Holme SE915055
Holme Wood
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE901068
Horns Wood
Forest or Wood
Ulceby TA113121
Hornsby's Holt
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE877122
Houlton's Covert
Forest or Wood
Immingham TA172161
Icehouse Strip
Forest or Wood
Holme SE940092
Ings Plantation
Forest or Wood
Kirton in Lindsey SK910986
Island Pond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Redbourne SK962994
Isle of Axholme
Other Landcover
Belton SE781068
Jeffrie's Covert
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE931140
Jessica Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirton in Lindsey SK918987
Keadby Common
Other Landcover
Crowle SE823121
Keb Wood
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE958123
Kelfield Catchwater
Other Water Feature
Epworth SE795045
Ladypits Plantation
Forest or Wood
Ulceby TA101129
Land Drain
Other Water Feature
Bonby SE995145
Langholme Wood
Forest or Wood
Haxey SK748976
Langmere Covert
Forest or Wood
East Halton TA132220
Lindholme Lake
Inland Water
Epworth SE733064
Little Crow Covert
Forest or Wood
Holme SE936101
Little Moor
Forest or Wood
Wrawby TA039106
Lodge Plantation
Forest or Wood
Flixborough SE884152
Long Belt
Forest or Wood
Manton SE912010
Long Close Plantations
Forest or Wood
Wootton TA075137
Long Close Plantations
Forest or Wood
Melton Ross TA075135
Low Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme SE933082
Low Wood
Forest or Wood
Barnetby le Wold TA057105
Lundimore Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE954079
Major Wood
Forest or Wood
Ulceby TA126128
Manby Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE949087
Manton Warren
Other Landcover
Holme SE935048
Mark Cooper's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ulceby TA115129
Marshall's Covert
Forest or Wood
Elsham Wolds Industrial Estate TA050130
Maud's Covert
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE936140
Melton High Wood
Forest or Wood
Melton Ross TA065125
Mere Plantation
Forest or Wood
Barrow upon Humber TA052203
Messingham Common
Other Landcover
Messingham SE861041
Mickleholme Wood
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE950158
Middleton Plantation
Forest or Wood
West Butterwick SE800094
Middleton Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme SE942067
Mill Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Belton SE799074
Millennium Wood
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE906132
Millfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE969090
Moat Wood
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA028113
Moor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA019115
New Forest Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scawby SE946068
New Holland Mere
Inland Water
New Holland TA087243
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wrawby TA015110
New River Ancholme
Other Water Feature
Cadney SE995045
North Field
Other Landcover
Ulceby TA110166
North High Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE952067
North Idle Drain
Other Water Feature
Belton SE745075
North Kelsey Beck
Other Water Feature
Cadney TA025025
North Killingholme Haven
Other Water Feature
Works, nr Immingham TA165205
North Moor
Other Landcover
West Butterwick SE805092
North Side Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Lincolnshire, unparished area SE930129
Oak Tree Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Lincolnshire, unparished area SE932121
Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
Cadney TA040056
Old Belt Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bonby TA021176
Old Broom Covert
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE939120
Old Lane Holt
Forest or Wood
Wrawby TA026114
Old River Ancholme
Other Water Feature
Saxby All Saints SE975145
Old River Don
Other Water Feature
Crowle SE755125
Ousefleet Pasture
Other Landcover
Eastoft SE809195
Padmoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE941134
Paupers' Drain
Other Water Feature
Eastoft SE815145
Pepperdale Covert
Forest or Wood
Howsham TA032056
Pikendale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bonby TA002170
Pond Close Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirmington TA103122
Pond Close Wood
Forest or Wood
Ulceby TA105125
Pond Head Wood
Forest or Wood
Scawby SE969062
Pond Head Wood
Forest or Wood
Brigg SE975065
Primrose Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Scawby SE947065
Railway Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scawby SE976042
Rainsbutt Moor
Other Landcover
Crowle SE768161
Read's Island
Ferriby Sluice SE965219
Risby Warren
Other Landcover
Appleby SE928135
River Torne
Other Water Feature
Wroot SE715045
River Torne
Other Water Feature
Belton SE765085
River Trent
Other Water Feature
West Butterwick SE835025
Roe Carr
Forest or Wood
Wroot SE730044
Rookery Plantation
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE935146
Rough Bottom Plantation
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE934130
Rowland Plantation
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE961115
Rowmills Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE907095
Rumley Marsh Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirmington TA106119
Rye Hill Plantations
Forest or Wood
South Killingholme TA130145
Sand Field
Forest or Wood
Hibaldstow SE951030
Sandham Plantation
Forest or Wood
Goxhill TA125215
Santon Wood
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE940107
Santon Wood
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE935105
Sargent's Covert
Forest or Wood
Kirton in Lindsey SK917982
Saxby Wold
Hill or Mountain
Bonby SE999172
Scawby Brook
Other Water Feature
Brigg SE985065
Scotch Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme SE933060
Sealings Wood
Forest or Wood
Belton SE810059
Shaw's Holt
Forest or Wood
Flixborough SE882153
Sheffield's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Roxby cum Risby SE907152
Sinks Covert
Forest or Wood
South Killingholme TA127154
Sinney Hills Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE971083
Sir Rowland Winn's Drain
Other Water Feature
Appleby SE965145
Skegs Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holme SE915074
Skippingdale Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE880127
Skitter Beck
Other Water Feature
North Killingholme TA125165
Skitter Ness
Goxhill TA130254
Snake Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bottesford SE867060
Snake Plantn
Forest or Wood
Bottesford SE865065
Soke Nook Plantation
Forest or Wood
North Lincolnshire, unparished area SE923124
South Channel
Other Water Feature
Winteringham SE965215
South Cloister Covert
Forest or Wood
Thornton Curtis TA117184
South Engine Drain
Other Water Feature
Epworth SE735025
South Engine Drain
Other Water Feature
Belton SE765085
South Ferriby Cliff
Other Coastal Landform
Barton-upon-Humber SE997224
South Field Drain
Other Water Feature
West Butterwick SE815045
South Killingholme Haven
Other Water Feature
Immingham TA185175
South Moor Covert
Forest or Wood
Belton SE806062
South Plantation
Forest or Wood
Saxby All Saints SE981154
Southside Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA036112
Southside Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA035115
Spring Wood
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE952111
Springfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE972077
Spur Plat Wood
Forest or Wood
Kirmington TA122119
Stainforth & Keadby Canal
Other Water Feature
Crowle SE735125
Stick Holt
Forest or Wood
Alkborough SE875215
Stone Pit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE954129
Stonepit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hibaldstow SK961998
Stonepit Wood
Forest or Wood
Hibaldstow SE948037
Stonewall Plantation
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE939077
Strate Bottom Plantation
Forest or Wood
Alkborough SE890203
Swallows Low Wood
Forest or Wood
Horkstow SE974187
Sweep Holt
Forest or Wood
Burton upon Stather SE879164
Sweeting Thorns
Forest or Wood
Holme SE931074
The Beck
Other Water Feature
Barrow upon Humber TA065225
The Buttonhook
Forest or Wood
Roxby cum Risby SE916155
The Flats
Other Landcover
Alkborough SE872224
The Flats
Other Landcover
Luddington SE823168
The Follies
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE961129
The Oaks
Forest or Wood
Horkstow SE982176
The Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bottesford SE868067
Thorn Covert
Forest or Wood
Howsham TA037054
Thorne Holt
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE930143
Thornholme Plantation
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE968131
Three Cocked Hat Wood
Forest or Wood
Belton SE790084
Three Rivers
Other Water Feature
Crowle SE815105
Top Wood
Forest or Wood
Appleby SE945109
Traffords Covert
Forest or Wood
Hibaldstow SE984041
Turton's Covert
Forest or Wood
Barton-upon-Humber TA010188
Tweedmoor Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wrawby TA019113
Twigmoor Woods
Forest or Wood
Holme SE938054
Ulceby Carr
Other Landcover
Ulceby TA121161
Viaduct Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scunthorpe SE873103
Walker Dyke Clough
Alkborough SE880237
Warping Drain
Other Water Feature
Keadby SE815125
Warping Drain
Other Water Feature
Gunness SE855105
Weir Dike
Other Water Feature
Appleby SE975135
Welburn Plantation
Forest or Wood
Scawby SE944044
Wellholmes Holt
Forest or Wood
Barnetby le Wold TA045085
West Drain
Other Water Feature
Appleby SE965155
West Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE950091
Whin Covert Plantation
Forest or Wood
Belton SE790082
Whitgift Moor
Other Landcover
Eastoft SE787181
Whiting Mill Bottom
Barton-upon-Humber TA021188
Whitton Ashes
Forest or Wood
Whitton SE890236
Whitton Channel
Other Water Feature
Whitton SE895245
Whitton Ness
Whitton SE918251
Whitton Scalp
Whitton SE896244
Wilderness Plantation
Forest or Wood
Belton SE793078
Will Pitts
Forest or Wood
Crowle SE745155
Willow Holt
Forest or Wood
Ulceby TA122133
Willow Holt
Forest or Wood
Flixborough SE872142
Willow Plantation
Forest or Wood
Saxby All Saints SE974153
Willwick Hill Plantation
Forest or Wood
Whitton SE897234
Willwick Hill Plantn
Forest or Wood
Whitton SE895235
Winterton Beck
Other Water Feature
Burton upon Stather SE905175
Wire Platt Plantation
Forest or Wood
Elsham TA039126
Forest or Wood
North Lincolnshire, unparished area SE876101
Wootton Gorse
Forest or Wood
Ulceby TA093152
Worlaby Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Bonby TA009146
Wrawby Moor
Other Landcover
Wrawby TA036107
Wrawby Plantation
Forest or Wood
Wrawby TA026107
Wressle Wood
Forest or Wood
Broughton SE977096
Wroot Acres
Other Landcover
Wroot SE715042
Yarborough Wood
Forest or Wood
Holme SE943070
Yellow Rabbit Hills
Forest or Wood
Holme SE940067