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Gazetteer Entries in Wrexham, Wales
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Abbot's Wood
Forest or Wood
Sesswick SJ397479
Aber Sychnant
Other Water Feature
Minera (Mwynglawdd) SJ245515
Afon Eitha
Other Water Feature
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ295445
Argoed Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ376427
Arowry Moss
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ465391
Asney Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ363435
Baddy's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ280372
Bathground Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ303431
Bathos Wood
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ510420
Belan Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ312421
Hill or Mountain Range
Ceiriog Ucha SJ109339
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Abenbury SJ367500
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Sesswick SJ399475
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ328485
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Esclusham SJ296475
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Coedpoeth (Coed-poeth) SJ295496
Birch Wood
Forest or Wood
Maelor South (De Maelor) SJ405419
Black Brook
Other Water Feature
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ315445
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Llay (Llai) SJ333538
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Maelor South (De Maelor) SJ404408
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Abenbury SJ362485
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ319421
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangollen Rural (Llangollen Wledig) SJ250433
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ462399
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ468438
Blake's Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ363409
Bolas's Dingle
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ308389
Boltha Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ355420
Borras Far Wood
Forest or Wood
Holt SJ372533
Borras Woods
Forest or Wood
Holt SJ375529
Bottom Reservoir
Inland Water
Penycae (Pen-y-cae) SJ272453
Brickwall Pond
Inland Water
Holt SJ404515
Brickyard Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ319431
Bronington Wood
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ481379
Bronwylfa Wood
Forest or Wood
Esclusham SJ282482
Broughton Gorse
Forest or Wood
Willington Worthenbury SJ435469
Brymbo Pool
Inland Water
Brymbo SJ286538
Bryn Du
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ145359
Bryn Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ422412
Bryn-y-cabanau Wood
Forest or Wood
Wrexham SJ342487
Bubney Moor
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ508419
Burton Meadows
Other Landcover
Rossett (Yr Orsedd) SJ354595
Burton's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ430431
Burton's Wood
Forest or Wood
Willington Worthenbury SJ435435
Cadair Bronwen
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ077346
Cadney Moss
Forest or Wood
Maelor South (De Maelor) SJ470347
Cae-Howell Wood
Forest or Wood
Maelor South (De Maelor) SJ411411
Cae-llwyd Reservoir
Inland Water
Rhosllanerchrugog (Rhosllannerchrugog) SJ269478
Cae-llwyd Resr
Other Water Feature
Rhosllanerchrugog (Rhosllannerchrugog) SJ265475
Cae-Shonnett Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ465403
Caeau Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ356397
Caecyriog Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ316436
Caemor Wood
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ214351
Caenant Wood
Forest or Wood
Willington Worthenbury SJ431453
Caeparbet Wood
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ473435
Canal Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ283385
Castle Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ368434
Cefn Wood
Forest or Wood
Cefn-mawr SJ285421
Cefn-y-fedw Reservoir
Inland Water
Cefn SJ244439
Ceiriog Ddu
Other Water Feature
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ125385
Ceiriog Forest
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ157388
Century Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ505422
Chirk Green Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk SJ294390
Chirk Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk SJ293375
Cinders Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ321432
Cistern Wood
Forest or Wood
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ325479
Clays Plantation
Forest or Wood
Holt SJ370510
Cockbank Wood
Forest or Wood
Sesswick SJ358458
Cockpit Wood
Forest or Wood
Llay SJ342555
Coed Aben
Forest or Wood
Wrexham SJ353498
Coed Bach
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ156339
Coed Bather
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ219368
Coed Brongyll
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ226376
Coed Brwynog
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ061380
Coed Cae-Deicws
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ197358
Coed Cefn-côch
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ176375
Coed Celyn
Forest or Wood
Brymbo SJ275546
Coed Cochion
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ154333
Coed Collfryn
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ218370
Coed Craig-y-gelli
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ186364
Coed Craig-y-pandy
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ194362
Coed Erw-gerrig
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ193353
Coed Gerynant
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ059370
Coed Hafod-gynfawr
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ203372
Coed Hafodwen
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ158349
Coed Llynor
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ065374
Coed Pen-craig
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ234377
Coed Penlan
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ189348
Coed Penybryn
Other Landcover
Ceiriog Ucha SJ154337
Coed Pont-y-meibion
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ191351
Coed Sarffle
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ144331
Coed Ty'n-y-twmpath
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ166376
Coed Tynyrhos
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ156347
Coed y Graig
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ211383
Coed y Pant
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ203368
Coed y Plâs
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ171333
Coed y Rhôs
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ198372
Coed yr Orsedd
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ168329
Coed-y-glyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Wrexham SJ330488
Cottage Wood
Forest or Wood
Wrexham SJ357501
Cox Wood
Forest or Wood
Rossett (Yr Orsedd) SJ370555
Craig-y-nant Wood
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ158342
Craignant Wood
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ242346
Cranberry Moss
Forest or Wood
Willington Worthenbury SJ463418
Creigiau'r Hyrddod
Hill or Mountain
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ138379
Crewe's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ438395
Cross Keys Wood
Forest or Wood
Cefn-mawr SJ287423
Croxton Pool
Inland Water
Hanmer SJ460406
Cumber's Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ442394
Darland Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ296413
Darnau Wood
Forest or Wood
Brymbo SJ269542
Deebank Plantation
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ362421
Deer Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ272376
Deerbarn Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ454373
Deershed Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ277377
Dininlle Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ314424
Doctors Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk SJ288375
Dorlan Plantation
Forest or Wood
Bangor Is-y-coed (Bangor Is-coed) SJ380431
Dorlan Wood
Forest or Wood
Bangor Is-y-coed (Bangor Is-coed) SJ382437
Drury's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ346430
Elks Wood
Forest or Wood
Willington Worthenbury SJ407460
Emral Brook
Other Water Feature
Willington Worthenbury SJ425455
Erbistock Gorse
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ344423
Erlas Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Wrexham Industrial Estate SJ376500
Erw Charles Plantation
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ346435
Esclusham Mountain
Hill or Mountain
Minera (Mwynglawdd) SJ256507
Eytonhall Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ359443
Fenn's Moss
Other Landcover
Bronington SJ494369
Fenn's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ501380
Fishpond Wood
Forest or Wood
Bradley SJ326534
Flat Wood
Forest or Wood
Bangor Is-y-coed (Bangor Is-coed) SJ387434
Foel G
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ135335
Foel Wen
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ095335
Foel Wylfa
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ195335
Forest Wood
Forest or Wood
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ329477
Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Wrexham SJ359506
Fron Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ275407
Fron-deg Flat
Other Landcover
Esclusham SJ261499
Fron-goch Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon SJ309439
Gardden Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ293445
Garden Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ271378
Gardner's Gorse
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ445391
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ132311
Gefeiliau Brook
Other Water Feature
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ335475
Gelli Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ289411
Gill's Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ346424
Glade Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ439382
Forest or Wood
Brymbo SJ284544
Gravel Pit Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ440392
Groves Plantation
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ362415
Gwernydd Reservoir
Inland Water
Trevor SJ262429
Gwyningar Wood
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ262380
Gwynt Wood
Forest or Wood
Maelor South (De Maelor) SJ410430
Gyfelia Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ330454
Hafod Wood
Forest or Wood
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ321473
Hafod Woodland
Forest or Wood
Esclusham SJ312468
Hall Green
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ501418
Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwersyllt SJ323545
Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ327409
Halton Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ293403
Hanmer Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ459395
Hanmer Mere
Inland Water
Hanmer SJ452393
Hanmer Mere
Other Water Feature
Hanmer SJ455395
Helt Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ368419
Hopyard Wood
Forest or Wood
Cefn-mawr SJ290422
Horsley Gorse
Forest or Wood
Rossett (Yr Orsedd) SJ377544
Iscoyd Wood
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ494425
James's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ301432
Jeffrey's Wood
Forest or Wood
Cefn-mawr SJ274420
Kennel Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ323426
Kitchen Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ414427
Knolls Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ435381
Lee's Wood
Forest or Wood
Maelor South (De Maelor) SJ415417
Lewis Wood
Forest or Wood
Wrexham SJ340488
Lightwood Plantation
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ383400
Llan-y-cefn Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ357411
Llangollen Canal
Other Water Feature
Chirk SJ285385
Llwyn y Gelli
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ247381
Other Landcover
Wrexham SJ358489
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ278380
Llyn Bedydd
Other Water Feature
Bronington SJ475395
Llyn Gloyw-bâch
Inland Water
Ceiriog Ucha SJ171356
Long Plantation
Forest or Wood
Willington Worthenbury SJ432463
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ340433
Lower Blaen-y-cwm Wood
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ155371
Lower Farm Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ338415
Maelor Forest
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ489378
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ144324
Manley Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ347417
Mannings Green
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ504414
Marchwiel Reservoir
Inland Water
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ346485
Marford Wood
Forest or Wood
Gresford SJ355556
Mars' Wood
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ259384
Matthews's Wood
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ499413
Mere Coppice
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ455392
Mill Pool Covert
Forest or Wood
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ342480
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton SJ372414
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Sesswick SJ393484
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Wrexham SJ356487
Millington Wood
Forest or Wood
Rossett (Yr Orsedd) SJ332587
Min-yr-afon Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ355423
Mine Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ279393
Moel Pearce
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ063356
Monks Pool
Inland Water
Ruabon SJ303448
Moor Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ322409
Morris Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ357421
Moss Wood
Forest or Wood
Wrexham SJ309533
Mynattyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ277383
Mynydd B
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ155335
Mynydd Bâch
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ150341
Nant Cwm y Geifr
Other Water Feature
Ceiriog Ucha SJ125335
Nant Cwm-llawenog
Other Water Feature
Ceiriog Ucha SJ125345
Nant Dyniewyd
Other Water Feature
Ceiriog Ucha SJ115335
Nant Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Minera (Mwynglawdd) SJ283500
Nant Rhydwilym
Other Water Feature
Ceiriog Ucha SJ125355
Nant Sarffle
Other Water Feature
Ceiriog Ucha SJ145325
Nant y Ffrith
Other Water Feature
Brymbo SJ275545
Nant-y-cae-coch Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ304421
Nant-y-Ffrith Reservoir
Inland Water
Brymbo SJ243530
Nant-y-gaer Wood
Forest or Wood
Llay SJ335558
Nantclimbers Plantation
Forest or Wood
Maelor South (De Maelor) SJ390392
Neile's Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ371411
New Gorse
Forest or Wood
Holt SJ361521
New Gorse Covert
Forest or Wood
Penley SJ424406
New Plantation
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ459382
New Planting
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ332410
Newhall Reservoir
Inland Water
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ274388
Newtown Mountain
Hill or Mountain
Penycae (Pen-y-cae) SJ262459
Newtown Mountain
Hill or Mountain
Cefn SJ255455
Oaf's Orchard
Other Landcover
Maelor South (De Maelor) SJ485360
Oak Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ340452
Ochr-y-fron Wood
Forest or Wood
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ153378
Old Hall Dingle
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ351436
Old Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ346441
Old Lane Coppice
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ464371
On's Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ264393
Painters Green
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ502409
Palla Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ351426
Pant-glas Reservoir
Inland Water
Penycae (Pen-y-cae) SJ264470
Pant-yr-ochain Wood
Forest or Wood
Gresford (Gresffordd) SJ348530
Park Pool
Inland Water
Hanmer SJ452379
Pen Bwlch Llandrillo Top
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ089369
Pen Llyn-gloyw
Other Water Feature
Ceiriog Ucha SJ165355
Hill or Mountain
Brymbo SJ265545
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ115365
Pen-y-park Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ295400
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ116350
Pendinas Reservoir
Inland Water
Minera (Mwynglawdd) SJ235517
Penley Wood
Forest or Wood
Maelor South (De Maelor) SJ417414
Pentre Wood
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ271370
Pentre-clawdd Gorse
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ310443
Peter's Dingle
Sesswick SJ390481
Pickhill Meadows
Other Landcover
Sesswick SJ395466
Plâs-crogen Wood
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ248356
Plas-uchaf Wood
Forest or Wood
Cefn SJ267451
Pleasure Ground Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ271381
Pond Plantation
Forest or Wood
Sesswick SJ368462
Pool Plantation
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ353408
Pool Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ268389
Poplar Wood
Forest or Wood
Sesswick SJ396477
Price's Oaks
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ254384
Prince's Plantation
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ356445
Prince's Planting
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ332415
Prince's Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ340416
Prynela Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ307406
Prynela Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ305405
Quarry Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ335408
Queensbridge Dingle
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ376401
Rackery Wood
Forest or Wood
Llay (Llai) SJ336578
Redwither Wood
Forest or Wood
Abenbury SJ369507
Reservoir Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ283375
Reynolds's Grave Covert
Forest or Wood
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ339476
Rhododendron Spinney
Forest or Wood
Abenbury SJ362500
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ124323
Rhôs Farm Wood
Forest or Wood
Rhosllanerchrugog (Rhosllannerchrugog) SJ284466
Other Landcover
Coedpoeth (Coed-poeth) SJ288505
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ507418
Rhosymedre Wood
Forest or Wood
Cefn-mawr SJ288428
River Ceiriog
Other Water Feature
Ceiriog Ucha SJ155335
River Ceiriog
Other Water Feature
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ245385
River Clywedog
Other Water Feature
Sesswick SJ385485
River Glywedog
Other Water Feature
Esclusham SJ295495
River Gwenfro
Other Water Feature
Wrexham SJ305515
River Teirw
Other Water Feature
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ185365
Rodger's Rough
Other Landcover
Hanmer SJ428428
Roman Camp Wood
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ153341
Round Hole Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ347439
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ312384
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwersyllt SJ328534
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ363432
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ339441
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ298425
Royton Wood
Forest or Wood
Sesswick SJ370452
Ruabon Mountain
Hill or Mountain
Rhosllanerchrugog (Rhosllannerchrugog) SJ245465
Sall's Wood
Forest or Wood
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ344443
Sheephouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ303417
Shell Brook
Other Water Feature
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ365395
Sideland Rough
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ189345
Smelt Wood
Forest or Wood
Brymbo SJ280532
Sodylt Ford
Inland Water
Erbistock (Erbistog) SJ345416
South Rough
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ457396
Springhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ200347
Square Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ338412
Stimmy Heath
Other Landcover
Bronington SJ478381
Suttongreen Fox Covert
Forest or Wood
Isycoed (Is-y-coed) SJ411485
Sydallt Wood
Forest or Wood
Sydallt SJ307558
Tan-y-cut Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ280410
Tarts Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ436386
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Sesswick SJ365460
The Belt
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ281375
The Dingle
Willington Worthenbury SJ436465
The Drive Wood
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ323429
The Flash
Inland Water
Gresford (Gresffordd) SJ346536
The Flash
Other Water Feature
Gresford (Gresffordd) SJ345535
The Gorse
Forest or Wood
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ296409
The Lake
Inland Water
Ruabon (Rhiwabon) SJ307429
The Meadows
Other Landcover
Bronington SJ480411
The Moor
Other Landcover
Bronington SJ487410
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ325478
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Hanmer SJ461373
The Rough
Forest or Wood
Willington Worthenbury SJ438469
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ341482
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ153343
The Warren
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ498420
Toft's Dingle
Bangor Is-y-coed (Bangor Is-coed) SJ398442
Toft's Rough
Forest or Wood
Bangor Is-y-coed (Bangor Is-coed) SJ399441
Hill or Mountain
Ceiriog Ucha SJ085335
Top Plantation
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ261395
Top Reservoir
Inland Water
Cefn SJ267453
Tower Dingle
Cefn SJ256433
Tower Wood
Forest or Wood
Ceiriog Ucha SJ160335
Tower Wood
Forest or Wood
Cefn SJ255433
Trevalyn Meadows
Other Landcover
Rossett (Yr Orsedd) SJ396570
Turpinsbrook Plantation
Forest or Wood
Willington Worthenbury SJ420449
Ty Mawr Reservoir
Inland Water
Esclusham SJ275479
Ty Mawr Resr
Other Water Feature
Esclusham SJ275485
Tyddyn-uchaf Wood
Forest or Wood
Cefn SJ262454
Tynant Wood
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ249390
Upper Dingle
Cefn SJ253439
Vicarage Gorse
Forest or Wood
Gresford (Gresffordd) SJ360537
Vivod Mountain
Hill or Mountain
Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog SJ175395
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
Glyntraian (Glyntraean) SJ256388
Waterloo Tower Wood
Forest or Wood
Cefn-mawr SJ285425
Well Wood
Forest or Wood
Marchwiel (Marchwiail) SJ339455
Wern Wood
Forest or Wood
Chirk (Y Waun) SJ276400
Whooter's Hall Wood
Forest or Wood
Overton (Owrtyn) SJ365409
Wilderness Wood
Forest or Wood
Wrexham SJ331533
Wineberry Gorse
Forest or Wood
Gresford SJ363549
Wolvesacre Wood
Forest or Wood
Bronington SJ510425
Worms Wood
Forest or Wood
Llay SJ337548
Worthenbury Brook
Other Water Feature
Willington Worthenbury SJ415465
Yew Tree Dingle
Penycae (Pen-y-cae) SJ277460