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Gazetteer Entries in Monmouthshire, Wales
Populated Places only
Geographic Features only
Abbey Meadow
Other Landcover
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO450132
Afon Cibi
Other Water Feature
Abergavenny (Y Fenni) SO285175
Afon Gafenni
Other Water Feature
Abergavenny SO305155
Afon Honddu
Other Water Feature
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO295265
Alcove Wood
Forest or Wood
Chepstow ST529949
Allan's Little Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO467122
Allt Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST390958
Ancre Hill
Hill or Mountain
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO499137
Argoed Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST460937
Argoed Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO530090
Ash Coppice
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST449936
Ash Covert
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST455932
Ash Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO371044
Ash Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth SO481125
Ballan Moor
Other Landcover
Caldicot ST485895
Ballan Wood
Forest or Wood
Mathern (Matharn) ST492894
Barbadoes Green
Other Landcover
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO525010
Barbadoes Wood
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO526006
Barecroft Common
Other Landcover
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST415868
Bargain Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO522033
Bargain Wood
Forest or Wood
Llandogo SO525035
Barleyhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST481922
Barn Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO378025
Bath Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO519032
Batt's Hole
Inland Water
Llantrisant Fawr ST387980
Battery Plantation
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Pertholey (Llandeilo Bertholau) SO328161
Beacon Hill
Hill or Mountain
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO512053
Beaulieu Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO528128
Bedwin Sands
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST477829
Beech Grove
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO457128
Beech Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST500949
Beili-glâs Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO479084
Beiliau Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO424119
Bell Pool
Inland Water
Usk SO375001
Bellamy's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO470140
Berry Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO487119
Berthin Brook
Other Water Feature
Works, nr Usk SO345015
Besom Pitch
Inland Water
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO351038
Bica Common
Other Landcover
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST442943
Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO395043
Bigs Wood
Forest or Wood
Pwllmeyric ST519929
Bigsnap Woods
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO533055
Birches Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO412222
Bishop's Barnets Wood
Forest or Wood
Mathern (Matharn) ST517941
Bittia Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST354988
Black Pool
Inland Water
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST434903
Black Rock
Portskewett (Porth Sgiwed) ST514880
Black Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO485147
Blackbrook Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO525100
Blackbrook Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO425214
Blackcliff Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST531981
Blackwell Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO355010
Blaen-Gavenny Wood
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO312190
Hill or Mountain
Govilon SO269118
Hill or Mountain
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO265115
Boat Catch
Inland Water
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST383985
Bourne Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO459088
Bowling Green Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO460105
Bowling Green Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO458132
Box Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO435216
Brickyard Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO327103
Bridewell Common
Other Landcover
Undy ST433865
Bridge Pool
Inland Water
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST385948
Bridge Stream
Inland Water
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST386951
Briers Grove
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST510951
Broad Meend
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO505041
Brook House Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO423220
Brooksholm Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth SO496147
Bryn Arw
Hill or Mountain
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO301206
Bryn Deri
Hill or Mountain
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO398173
Bryncethyn Plantation
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST486999
Brynderwen Flat
Inland Water
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO353072
Bryngwyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO385080
Buckholt Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO505165
Buckle Wood
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO510000
Byrgwm Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO341006
Cabin Oaks
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO509067
Cadira Beeches
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST425945
Cae Cnap
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST363978
Cae Crump Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO488078
Cae Elm
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO465086
Cae Pwcella Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST475931
Cae Pwtto
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST461989
Cae-Jack Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO494083
Cae-Lleuci Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO386112
Cae-maen Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST363997
Cae-Robin Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO418220
Cae-wern Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO445090
Cae-yr-uchain Plantation
Forest or Wood
Devauden SO484005
Caer Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Pertholey (Llandeilo Bertholau) SO328167
Caer-Llan Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO493081
Caldicot Moor
Other Landcover
Rogiet ST454866
Caldicot Pill
Other Water Feature
Cil-y-coed ST495875
Calling Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO470129
Camp Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO378038
Campston Hill
Hill or Mountain
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO356223
Campston Wood
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO366223
Candwr Brook
Other Water Feature
Llangybi ST325955
Castle Dell
Chepstow ST532940
Castle Wood
Forest or Wood
Chepstow ST530941
Castle Wood
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO407243
Castrogi Brook
Other Water Feature
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST455935
Caswell Wood
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO541004
Cave Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST525960
Cefn Hill
Hill or Mountain
Llantrisant Fawr ST395955
Cefn Mawr
Hill or Mountain
Goetre Fawr SO335035
Cefn Mynog
Hill or Mountain
Goetre Fawr SO316069
Cefn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST394960
Cefn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO438134
Cefn-draenog Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST360985
Cefn-gwyn Brake
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO355136
Cefn-henllan Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST364940
Cefngarw Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST480971
Chapel Meadow
Other Landcover
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO353033
Chapel Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO402096
Charston Rock
Portskewett (Porth Sgiwed) ST519880
Charston Sands
Portskewett (Porth Sgiwed) ST522885
Chepstow Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST491974
Cherrytree Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO427196
Church Grove
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) ST527998
Church Hill Common
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO521103
Church Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST491949
Church Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST480923
Chwarel y Fan
Hill or Mountain
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO258293
Cil-llwch Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO382144
Cilfeigan Park
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO345005
Cinder Patch
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO489010
Citcoed Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST343986
Claltan Coppice
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO351061
Clappers Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO466184
Clawdd Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO398107
Clay Hill Brake
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST424900
Claypits Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST492941
Cliff Wood
Forest or Wood
Mathern (Matharn) ST507938
Clydach Wood
Forest or Wood
Gilwern SO240142
Coalpits Brake
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST488928
Cobbler's Plain
Other Landcover
Devauden SO480010
Cockshoot Wood
Forest or Wood
Usk SO381018
Cockshoot Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST515945
Coed Abergwenllan
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO323068
Coed Adam
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO363072
Coed Anghred
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO463199
Coed Argoed
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST403944
Coed Beddick
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO528016
Coed Canol
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST345993
Coed Canol
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO393024
Coed Cefn
Hill or Mountain
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO427101
Coed Cefn-cawdel
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO351165
Coed Chambers
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO342001
Coed Cox
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO348023
Coed Cwm-iou
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO301223
Coed Du
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO383127
Coed Fedw-ddu
Forest or Wood
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO214123
Coed Ffyddlwn
Forest or Wood
Clydach SO221126
Coed Garw
Forest or Wood
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) SO407009
Coed Garw
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST400983
Coed Gawr
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST352982
Coed Golley
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO487064
Coed Graig-ddu
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO352054
Coed Graig-ddu
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO291267
Coed Graig-Leici
Forest or Wood
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO224160
Coed Gwraig
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO409155
Coed Henry
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO342003
Coed Heol
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST350991
Coed Howell
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO299050
Coed Jones
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO438210
Coed Llifos
Other Landcover
Devauden ST459969
Coed Llwyn-y-celyn
Forest or Wood
Mynydd-bach ST474944
Coed Mawr
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO365050
Coed Mawr
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST344988
Coed Mawr
Forest or Wood
Mynydd-bach ST477946
Coed Mawr
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO311065
Coed Mawr
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST345985
Coed Nant-y-bwch
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO358185
Coed Newydd
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO374044
Coed Pantydarren
Other Landcover
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO220135
Coed Peggy-Shams
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO295053
Coed Pen-groes-oped
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO309069
Coed Pen-pedair-heol
Forest or Wood
Penperlleni SO332035
Coed Pen-y-clawdd
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO308203
Coed Pen-y-wern
Forest or Wood
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO224141
Coed Robert
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO398097
Coed Robin
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO288234
Coed Shenkin Morris
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO371038
Coed Tir-prydd
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO393047
Coed Tump
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO354187
Coed Ty-coch
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO312002
Coed Tyle
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO292226
Coed Wern-y-wîg
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO376129
Coed y Bwnydd
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO364068
Coed y Cam
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO296050
Coed y Cerrig
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO299216
Coed y Cwrt
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO309088
Coed y Dê
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Pertholey (Llandeilo Bertholau) SO349178
Coed y Duke
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST450982
Coed y Fferm
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST361983
Coed y Ffynnon
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO307086
Coed y Gelli
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO373112
Coed y Grûg
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO439102
Coed y Kennel
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO314081
Coed y Llyn
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO310076
Coed y Maes
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO377031
Coed y Môn
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST398996
Coed y Mynydd
Forest or Wood
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST435897
Coed y Person
Forest or Wood
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO279134
Coed y Prior
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST389979
Coed Y Prior
Forest or Wood
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO293098
Coed y Pwll-llyn
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr SO403004
Coed y Rhadyr
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST400988
Coed y Ringoed
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO360051
Coed y Vetna
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST456985
Coed yr Allt
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO364052
Coed yr Allwys
Forest or Wood
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO295088
Coed yr Arglwydd
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO368057
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST406994
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO361009
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO362121
Forest or Wood
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO228160
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO358016
Forest or Wood
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST374944
Coed-y-gelli Dingle
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO369113
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO392030
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO443209
Other Landcover
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO344028
Coedanghred Hill
Hill or Mountain
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO458194
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO293024
Coedcae Du
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO298062
Coedcae Uchaf
Other Landcover
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO218146
Forest or Wood
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO218148
Coedyprior Common
Other Landcover
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO292101
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST472960
Cold Harbour Pill
Other Water Feature
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST435845
Colebrook Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO462184
Collister Pill
Other Water Feature
Undy ST455855
Colomendy Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST356937
Coltshay Hill
Hill or Mountain
Portskewett (Porth Sgiwed) ST504893
Colwell Grove
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) ST533996
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO381040
Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST459931
Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO434106
Cook's Patch
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO518009
Cook's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) ST438978
Coombe Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST458932
Coppice Mawr
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST495945
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST499943
Copse Wood
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO425245
Corn Hill
Hill or Mountain
Llantrisant Fawr ST401963
Court Farm Reservoir
Inland Water
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST335936
Court Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO434143
Court Wood
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO330204
Cowbottom Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO371047
Crabs' Bay
Other Water Feature
Sudbrook ST515865
Craig y dorth Brake
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO483082
Craig y Saeson
Hill or Mountain
Llangybi ST346974
Craig yr Allt
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO293068
Hill or Mountain
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO486085
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO295065
Creigiau Wood
Forest or Wood
Catbrook SO519026
Creigiau Wood Wyes Wood Common
Forest or Wood
Catbrook SO520025
Cribba Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST454935
Croes-Robert Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO481060
Croes-voel Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST442910
Crofft H
Other Water Feature
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO435165
Cross Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO510150
Crossway Green
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST523944
Crossway Green
Other Landcover
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST467928
Crowfield Plantation
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Pertholey (Llandeilo Bertholau) SO329160
Crumbland Plantation
Forest or Wood
Devauden SO476021
Crumbland Plantation
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO475025
Crwys Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO434161
Cuckoo Wood
Forest or Wood
Llandogo SO528048
Cuhere Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST452927
Cwm Bea
Llantrisant Fawr ST399998
Cwm Brynarw
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO302189
Cwm Bwch
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO264194
Cwm Bwchel
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO281272
Cwm Byr
Llantrisant Fawr ST399982
Cwm Cayo
Gwehelog Fawr SO378024
Cwm Clydach
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO221126
Cwm Coed y Cerrig
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO295212
Cwm Craf
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO279127
Cwm Dowlais Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST365985
Cwm Dyar
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO234124
Cwm Euas
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO269302
Cwm Gwenffrwd
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO251173
Cwm Gwent
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO270197
Cwm Gyst Nantiago
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO283158
Cwm Iau
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO306237
Cwm Llam-March
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO219118
Cwm Llanwenarth
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO256130
Cwm Nant-Du
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO274196
Cwm Siarpal
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO290287
Cwm Siôn Mathew
Clydach SO227137
Cwm Trosnant
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO270176
Cwm Wood
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO300054
Cwm y Nant
Llanover (Llanofer) SO279077
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO261196
Cwm-byr Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST401980
Cwm-y-wiwer Brake
Forest or Wood
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST358940
Cwmcarfan Hill
Hill or Mountain
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO475055
Cwrt-y-bela Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) SO415000
Cwrt-y-blowen Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden SO451005
Cwrt-y-Gollen Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr SO425026
Dale's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST352964
Daniel's Bath
Inland Water
Gwehelog Fawr SO343041
Darlin Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO454155
Darran Plantation
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST325979
Darren Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST407948
Day House Grove
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO536050
Hill or Mountain
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO293175
Devil's Bowling Green
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO414167
Dick the Miller Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST481926
Dingle Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO469126
Doctor's Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST473990
Dolkin's Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST469922
Dreinos Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO451195
Duke's Brake
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST351952
Duke's Pond
Inland Water
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO511075
Duke's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO443188
Dyffryn Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO458083
Dyffryn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO447152
Dyffryn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Pertholey (Llandeilo Bertholau) SO355154
Earlswood Common
Other Landcover
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST455956
East Wood
Forest or Wood
Mathern (Matharn) ST525917
Eldt Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO409205
Ellis's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO460208
Elms Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO420127
English Newton Common
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO521158
Evan's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO371090
Fairoak Pond
Inland Water
Tintern (Tyndyrn) ST511990
Far Wood
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO323257
Fedw Fawr
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO492068
Fedw Pool
Inland Water
Devauden ST500993
Fedw Wood
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) ST508985
Fforest Coed
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO416098
Ffrwd Brook
Other Water Feature
Llanover (Llanofer) SO345105
Ffrwd Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO289113
Firhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO535054
Fishpool Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO444100
Flagstaff Hill
Hill or Mountain
Gwehelog Fawr SO381021
Flat Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) ST426984
Flat Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST360953
Four Acre Grove
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST509956
Fruid Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO529085
Fryth Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST517951
Full Brook
Other Water Feature
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO365185
Furnace Grove
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO538106
Gaer Hill
Hill or Mountain
St Arvans ST516981
Gaer Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO465058
Garden Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST398947
Garrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO489092
Garrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO472137
Garth Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO525131
Gethin's Grove
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) ST510996
Gethley Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST472971
Gilbrook Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST470948
Gilwern Brake
Forest or Wood
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST327936
Gilwern Hill
Hill or Mountain
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO244125
Glanau Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO491069
Glebe Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO434207
Glebe Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO283129
Glyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO520000
Golden Hill
Hill or Mountain
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST425975
Golden Valley
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO403192
Gorrashill Wood
Forest or Wood
Mathern (Matharn) ST505938
Govera Plantation
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO300023
Goytre Wood
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO316061
Other Landcover
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO249125
Forest or Wood
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO255164
Graig Syfryddin
Hill or Mountain
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO403210
Graig Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST477987
Graig Wood
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO446080
Graig Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO506094
Graig Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO532086
Graig yr Harris
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO339050
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO372003
Graigwith Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST345965
Granary Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST324967
Grange Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO458163
Grange Wood
Forest or Wood
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST428888
Great Barnets Woods
Forest or Wood
Chepstow ST513940
Great Barnets Woods
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST515945
Great Caefari Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO432156
Great Coedcae Du
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO331032
Great Garrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO473131
Great Grange Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO415164
Great House Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO363126
Great Llancayo Lower Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO372024
Great Llancayo Upper Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO376035
Great Wenallt Wood
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO504004
Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) ST432975
Greatoak Plantation
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO384102
Greenmeadow Wood
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO297043
Grist Castle Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO512156
Grondra Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST497939
Sudbrook ST511864
Grwyne Fawr
Other Water Feature
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO285225
Gurllus Grove
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO522017
Gwern-Ddu Hill
Hill or Mountain
Llantrisant Fawr ST403978
Gwern-Ddu Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST401976
Hael Woods
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO535075
Hale Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST472968
Hale Woods
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO515005
Hardwick Cliffs
Cliff or Slope
Chepstow ST538928
Hardwick Plantation
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST455895
Harper's Grove
Forest or Wood
Monmouth SO526119
Hatterrall Hill
Hill or Mountain
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO308256
Hayes Coppice
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO523147
Hendre Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO463129
Henllys Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO410099
Heston Brake
Other Landcover
Portskewett (Porth Sgiwed) ST505886
High Grove
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST424897
Highmead Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO320120
Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO332023
Hillgrove Withy Bed
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO360083
Holywell Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO504117
Home Wood
Forest or Wood
Catbrook SO520027
Horseway Grove
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO528073
Hunt Grove
Forest or Wood
Monmouth SO482121
Hygga Dingle
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO488030
Ifton Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST456891
Ifton Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Rogiet ST455885
Ithlan-goch Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO378078
Itton Common Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST482949
Itton Hill
Hill or Mountain
Devauden ST483954
Ivybridge Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST357927
Jenny's Bushes
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO329013
Keepers' Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO394163
Kennel Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO481030
Kennel Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST371932
Kennel Wood
Forest or Wood
Gilwern SO248155
Kilgwrrwg Common
Other Landcover
Devauden ST470980
Killcrow Hill
Hill or Mountain
Mathern (Matharn) ST497905
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO477126
King's Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO475125
Kit's Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO510017
Kite's Bushes
Forest or Wood
Mathern (Matharn) ST506934
Lady Bench
Sudbrook ST513875
Lady Grove
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO529138
Lady Grove
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO484118
Lady Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO379023
Lady Pool
Inland Water
Llantrisant Fawr ST386971
Lan-pill Woods
Forest or Wood
Devauden SO452008
Lan-Sôr Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST340946
Lan-Sôr Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST354936
Langates Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO371004
Lavant-well Wood
Forest or Wood
Mathern (Matharn) ST498914
Leys Brake
Forest or Wood
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST442887
Limekiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) ST529993
Limekiln Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO466129
Linen Well
Other Water Feature
St. Arvans ST535985
Little Ancrehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO490143
Little Bourne Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO461090
Little Coed-y-gelli Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO369118
Little Ffosydd Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO486068
Little Garrow Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO473131
Little Gorrashill Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST500939
Little Grange Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO413170
Little Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO410218
Little Magg Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO480116
Little Mountain
Hill or Mountain
Goetre Fawr SO287031
Little Tredean Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST477999
Little Ty-Harry Wood
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO446072
Little Wood
Other Landcover
Gwehelog Fawr SO394025
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST484906
Little Wood
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO301041
Littlehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST368987
Littleoak Woods
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO395038
Livox Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO519112
Llan-melin Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST463924
Llan-tellen Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO415203
Llancaeo Hill
Hill or Mountain
Gwehelog Fawr SO374028
Llandegfedd Reservoir
Inland Water
Llangybi ST326993
Llanfair Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO394200
Llanfoist Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO287125
Llangattock Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO461160
Llansantffraed Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO357105
Llanthewy Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO354136
Llanthony Wood
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO290266
Llanthony Wood
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO294224
Llantina Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO395197
Llech Wood
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO394251
Llewelyn's Dingle
Llantrisant Fawr ST402989
Llewelyn's Dingle
Other Water Feature
Llantrisant Fawr ST405995
Llwyn Corner
Inland Water
Llanover (Llanofer) SO356094
Llwyn-celyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST356949
Llyfos Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO406170
Llymon Brook
Other Water Feature
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO415185
Llyna Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO482047
Long Brake
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST502929
Long Hill
Hill or Mountain
Monmouth SO480122
Long Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO477122
Long Orchard
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST501948
Long Rock
Portskewett (Porth Sgiwed) ST515880
Long Wood
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO380057
Longbarn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO370105
Longstone Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO497105
Lord's Grove
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO530110
Lower Caxton Brake
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO476137
Lower Common
Other Landcover
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO333007
Lower Glyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO468043
Lower Hael Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO531074
Lower Hale Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO514005
Lower House Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO421157
Lower Knapp Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO474110
Lower Martridge Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST524968
Lower Parker's Hole
Inland Water
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST386985
Lower Road Pool
Inland Water
Llantrisant Fawr ST389989
Lower Rodge Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST453905
Lower Seven Acres
Forest or Wood
Rogiet ST446895
Lower Tal-y-coed Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO417156
Lower Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO527107
Lowerhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO426058
Loxidge Wood
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO286284
Loysey Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO499069
Luggas Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO533098
Lydart Orles Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO503094
Lynweir Grove
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO537004
Madam Rogers' Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanhennock (Llanhenwg) ST363945
Inland Water
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO353039
Maes-yr-uchaf Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO477088
Magor Pill
Other Water Feature
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST435845
Mally Brook
Other Water Feature
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO515155
Malthouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO454206
Manor Wood
Forest or Wood
The Narth SO528061
Mardy Hill Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST399999
Marlborough Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO374237
Mathern Oaze
Mathern (Matharn) ST528896
Mathern Pill
Other Water Feature
Chepstow ST535895
Middle Road Pool
Inland Water
Llantrisant Fawr ST388991
Mill Brake
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO490105
Mill Covert
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO396143
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO459104
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO483076
Mill Wood
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO404256
Millburn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO470134
Minepit Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST530979
Mounton Brook
Other Water Feature
Devauden ST475955
Mynydd Llanwenarth
Hill or Mountain
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO266175
Nant Wachan
Other Water Feature
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO435125
Nant Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO435165
Nant-y-carw Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO379073
Nant-yr-ych Lower Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO416209
Nant-yr-ych Upper Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO412213
Nedern Brook
Other Water Feature
Caldicot ST485895
New Covert
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO372085
New Inn Brake
Forest or Wood
Devauden SO481012
New Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST497987
Newbarn Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO390017
Newbarn Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO531099
Newhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr SO400002
Newhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST405949
Nex Common
Other Landcover
Devauden ST480980
Ninewells Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO511036
Ninewells Wood
Forest or Wood
Catbrook SO505035
Noaks Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST478908
Nutstalks Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST482925
Old Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO511043
Olway Brook
Other Water Feature
Llantrisant Fawr SO415025
Onen Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO431147
Organy Pool
Inland Water
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO510020
Orles Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST489956
Orles Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO477118
Orles Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth SO486125
Orles Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO514153
Ox Pasture Wood
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO432225
Pant Brook
Other Water Feature
Llanover (Llanofer) SO355125
Pant Wood
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO400061
Pant Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO421140
Pant-llwyd Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO429153
Pant-Skirrid Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Pertholey (Llandeilo Bertholau) SO326168
Pant-y-cwcw Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST368999
Panta Dingle
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO485008
Pantawarren Plantation
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST488994
Panterris Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO466133
Pantygaeda Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO411167
Park Brake
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO447181
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO386024
Park Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO426115
Park-bach Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO455093
Parkapella Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO491109
Parry's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO380085
Parson's Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST492913
Peaked Land
Other Landcover
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO506061
Peggy's Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST470984
Pen-carreg Plantation
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO429066
Pen-pwll-y-calch Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO424133
Pen-twyn Brake
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO315030
Pen-twyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) SO415002
Pen-twyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO415148
Hill or Mountain
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO452076
Pen-y-fedw Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO445150
Pen-y-graig Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO530100
Hill or Mountain
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO443161
Pen-y-lan Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO391106
Pen-y-lan Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO466058
Pen-y-llyn Pool
Inland Water
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST382995
Pen-y-stair Wood
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO304060
Pen-y-wern Wood
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO326049
Penallt Common
Other Landcover
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO518080
Pentre Wheeler Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO468061
Pentre Wood
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO462065
Pentre-waun Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST337995
Pentwyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO407093
Percus Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST489988
Perth-hir Grove
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO481165
Pettingale Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO347006
Pill Brook
Other Water Feature
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) SO445015
Pilmoore Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST501967
Plantation Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO486075
Plas-Ifor Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO404192
Plumweir Grove
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) ST539991
Pointers Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO451168
Pont-yr-ychain Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO421145
Poor's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO422122
Pound Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO370046
Priest Wood
Forest or Wood
Mathern (Matharn) ST493912
Prior's Reach
Other Water Feature
St. Arvans ST535975
Priory Grove
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO527139
Priory Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO353057
Prisk Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO531089
Pwl-mawr Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO527103
Pwll Glaslyn
Inland Water
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO240153
Pwll Mawr
Inland Water
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO275093
Pwll Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) SO438003
Pwll y Llwnch
Inland Water
Llantrisant Fawr ST387964
Pwll-y-deon Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO482094
Pwll-y-groes Plantation
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO387102
Pwllplythin Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO529070
Quarry Brake
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO349142
Rabbit Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO534142
Rail y Deri
Inland Water
Llantrisant Fawr ST386982
Ravensnest Wood
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) ST506996
Red Cliff
Cliff or Slope
Portskewett (Porth Sgiwed) ST523895
Red House Brake
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST470931
Red House Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO425130
Redhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO366103
Redwern Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO497086
Hill or Mountain
Abergavenny (Y Fenni) SO283167
Rickett's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO452208
River Clydach
Other Water Feature
Llanelly (Llanelli) SO225125
River Monnow
Other Water Feature
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO345235
River Trothy
Other Water Feature
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO405145
River Trothy
Other Water Feature
Monmouth SO515115
River Usk
Other Water Feature
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO345035
River Usk
Other Water Feature
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO275145
Rock Pool
Inland Water
Llanover (Llanofer) SO349058
Rogerstone Grange
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST505965
Roggiett Brake
Forest or Wood
Rogiet ST455885
Rogiet Moor
Other Landcover
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST466869
Rookery Wood
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO439224
Ross's Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST473943
Rough Grounds
Other Landcover
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO506023
Roughets Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST485946
Round Covert
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO430197
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST490916
Round Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO462157
Sand Bay
Other Water Feature
Sudbrook ST515855
Sandifer Plantations
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr SO386000
School Wood
Forest or Wood
Catbrook SO514029
Sergeant's Grove
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO485134
Sergeant's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO482134
Sheepcot Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO464111
Skeviot Pool
Inland Water
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST414894
Slade Wood
Forest or Wood
Rogiet ST451890
Slade Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST455895
Slidyhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST487905
Sloughpool Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST483920
Soberleaze Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST480928
St Dial's Wood
Forest or Wood
Monmouth (Trefynwy) SO501118
St Fraed's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO465202
St Mary's Vale
Llanfoist Fawr (Llan-ffwyst Fawr) SO279167
St Pierre Lake
Inland Water
Mathern (Matharn) ST512904
St Pierre Pill
Other Water Feature
Mathern (Matharn) ST525895
St Pierre's Great Woods
Forest or Wood
Mathern (Matharn) ST501925
St Pierre's Great Woods
Forest or Wood
Pwllmeyric ST505925
Still House Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO376056
Stoneycroft Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST466934
Sudbrook Point
Coastal Headland
Sudbrook ST505875
Sugar Loaf
Hill or Mountain
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO272187
Sways Wood
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO369241
Sychbant Wood
Forest or Wood
Tintern (Tyndyrn) ST513991
Telltale Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO467125
The Birches
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO529104
The Bushes
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO296061
The Forest
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST341975
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST368957
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO376102
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Gilwern SO253156
The Grove
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO400155
The Larches
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST434900
The Oakes
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST450938
The Oaks
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO520012
The Rookery
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO343087
The Whibbs
Inland Water
Gwehelog Fawr SO361033
Thicket Wood
Forest or Wood
Rogiet ST446888
Three Springs Plantation
Forest or Wood
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO358222
Towerhill Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO457194
Traphill Wood
Forest or Wood
Chepstow ST513935
Traveller's Seat Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO426184
Tre-castle Wood
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO450065
Tre-Owen Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO458115
Tre-rhew Brook
Other Water Feature
Grosmont (Y Grysmwnt) SO375175
Tre-Worgan Common
Other Landcover
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO424050
Trealy Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO483093
Tredean Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST476994
Trevella Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST421976
Trostra Common
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO317007
Trostrey Hill
Hill or Mountain
Gwehelog Fawr SO369051
Trostrey Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO368047
Troypark Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO514103
Tump Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO460194
Turner's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO461166
Tuttymead Wood
Forest or Wood
Portskewett (Porth Sgiwed) ST514892
Twyn Y Cregen Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO363095
Ty'n-y-caeau Hill
Hill or Mountain
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST358987
Ty'n-y-caeau Hill
Hill or Mountain
Llangybi ST355985
Ty'n-y-caeau Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST355983
Ty'r-pwll Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO322118
Ty-Côch Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangybi ST351948
Ty-coch Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO420162
Ty-fry Big Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) ST428976
Ty-gwyn Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO341078
Ty-Harry Wood
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO445077
Ty-isha Brake
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO314031
Ty-mawr Great Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO437096
Ty-mawr Upper Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO437101
Ty-newydd Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanarth (Llan-arth) SO381115
Tydû Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO382126
Tyler's Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO339103
Undy Common
Other Landcover
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST440865
Upper Brake
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO312033
Upper Caxton Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO479133
Upper Din Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST487921
Upper Hael Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO529080
Upper Hale Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO513010
Upper Knapp Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO473112
Upper Llancayo Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO373030
Upper Martridge Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST524971
Upper Parker's Hole
Inland Water
Llantrisant Fawr ST388986
Upper Road Pool
Inland Water
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) ST387993
Upper Rodge Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST465899
Upper Seven Acres
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST440897
Upper Tal-y-coed Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantilio Crossenny (Llandeilo Gresynni) SO416161
Upper Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST435975
Upper Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO301076
Upperhouse Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO449211
Verlands Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST490907
Vineyard Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST444921
Walks Common
Other Landcover
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO396046
Wallwern Wood
Forest or Wood
Mathern (Matharn) ST507931
Wan Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST484921
Warren Slade
Forest or Wood
Chepstow ST540922
Warren Wood
Forest or Wood
Llantrisant Fawr ST413971
Washing's Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO529106
Water's Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO465054
Wayne Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO414193
Weaver's Pool
Inland Water
Llanover (Llanofer) SO358088
Weaver's Rock
Inland Water
Llanover (Llanofer) SO358091
Weir Pool
Inland Water
Llanbadoc (Llanbadog Fawr) SO361038
Weir Wood
Forest or Wood
Gwehelog Fawr SO358043
Well Brake
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO346142
Welsh Grounds
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST434815
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST425945
Wern Birs
Forest or Wood
Devauden SO449001
Wern Brake
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST440927
Wern Fawr
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO323058
Wern Fawr
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO320076
Wern Fawr
Forest or Wood
Penperlleni SO325055
Wern Fawr
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO325075
Wern Plantation
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO485087
Wern Wood
Forest or Wood
Llanover (Llanofer) SO337076
Wern Wood
Forest or Wood
Goetre Fawr SO298066
Wern-derby Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) SO436005
Wern-lwyd Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO431190
Wern-Panna Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangwm (Llan-gwm) SO418009
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST465977
West Lone Wood
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST423900
West Pill
Other Water Feature
Rogiet ST465865
Wet Wood
Forest or Wood
St Arvans ST512978
Wet Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST522974
Wetmeadow Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO498063
Whitebrook Grove
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO533068
Whitehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO473122
Whitehill Wood
Forest or Wood
Llangattock-Vibon-Avel (Llangatwg Feibion Afel) SO477131
Whitemill Common
Forest or Wood
Mynydd-bach ST484945
Whitewall Common
Other Landcover
Magor with Undy (Magwyr gyda Gwndy) ST429863
Whitfield Wood
Forest or Wood
Devauden ST496961
Wilcrick Hill
Hill or Mountain
Brewery, nr Undy ST415875
Willis Hill
Hill or Mountain
Pwllmeyric ST505921
Wiral Wood
Forest or Wood
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO292280
Wonastow Brake
Forest or Wood
Monmouth SO486121
Wood Upper Linenwell
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST532984
Woodcock Plantation
Forest or Wood
Caerwent (Caer-went) ST446904
Woodlands Grove
Forest or Wood
Pwllmeyric ST520928
Woolpitch Wood
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO487047
Worthybrook Wood
Forest or Wood
Mitchel Troy (Llanfihangel Troddi) SO470112
Wyes Wood Common
Other Landcover
Tintern (Tyndyrn) SO513024
Wyndcliff Wood
Forest or Wood
St. Arvans ST531974
Yewtree Wood
Forest or Wood
Shirenewton (Drenewydd Gelli-farch) ST503942
Yewtree Wood
Forest or Wood
Raglan (Rhaglan) SO454087
Ynys-y-pica Wood
Forest or Wood
Penperlleni SO327041
Young's Grove
Forest or Wood
Trellech United (Tryleg Unedig) SO533095
Ysgyryd Fach
Hill or Mountain
Llanover (Llanofer) SO315137
Ysgyryd Fawr
Hill or Mountain
Crucorney (Crucornau Fawr) SO331182
Ysgyryd Fawr
Hill or Mountain
Llantilio Pertholey (Llandeilo Bertholau) SO335175