This 21-metre fall is a highlight of the area. It displays a classic section of the calciferous sandstones called the Ballagan Beds. There is a fine building sandstone, Spout of Ballagan sandstone, at the top which is hard enough to cause the fall, and beneath it are alternating layers of cementstones & shales. These were laid down in the Carboniferous era c350million years ago when this whole area was the bed of a tropical lagoon south of the equator. Park in the village of Strathblane (opposite the church) & walk along the road to the entrance to Ballagan House. At the back of this is a stile & sign that takes you up to the nature reserve and fall. The actual approach to the foot of the fall is quite rough going but the path takes you to the top of it easily from where you can continue on up onto The Campsies.
Uploaded to Geograph by johnalbiston on 9 December 2011
Photo © johnalbiston, 9 December 2011. Licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons licence