Sand Wick, Shetland Islands

Furnace in the Lerwick Waste to Energy plant

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The red machine on the left is the furnace which burns refuse from Shetland, Orkney and offshore. About 22,000 tons is burnt each year, which means that Shetland puts less than 10% of its waste to landfill. The furnace burns at 1200 degrees Celsius and heats water which is used for the District Heating Scheme in Lerwick, which heats council houses, private homes and major buildings in Lerwick, including the school and the hospital, as well as providing water for Shetland's milk pasteurisation plant.

Uploaded to Geograph by Mike Pennington on 8 June 2010

Creative Commons License Photo © Mike Pennington, 8 June 2010. Licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons licence

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