The church was previously Free Church of Scotland, and it is labelled as Free Church on the 1881 O.S. map. On the 1904 O.S. map it had become a U.F. Church (United Free). A postcard from the early C20th also labels it U.F. church and shows that at that time it had two windows in the gable-end wall, and a low wall enclosing the area in front. According to the web-site of Snizort parish, of which it is now part, the land for the church was feued by Alexander Macdonald of Lynedale House and the original Trustees included Joseph Lamont, Free Church minister at Snizort, and Norman Ferguson, the teacher living in the school-house[[509510]] behind the church.
Uploaded to Geograph by John Lord on 25 May 2007
Photo © John Lord, 25 May 2007.
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