Father Gerald Beck was the chaplain and he is said to have sometimes accompanied the pilots on their missions until a stop was put to it by the authorities. He used one of the rooms in the gymnasium > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2011075 as his office. The chapel adjoins it. The mural in Father Beck's office depicts a map of the world. It is not known if "Bud" Doyle, who created the two murals in the chapel, also made this one. The adjoining rooms house a varied and interesting number of displays and more exhibits can be seen in the adjoining Nissen hut > http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4004314.
Uploaded to Geograph by Evelyn Simak on 31 May 2014
Photo © Evelyn Simak, 31 May 2014.
Licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons licence