Great Cockley Plain, Hampshire

(9a) A tour of the WWII Ashley Walk Bombing Range - Ship Target

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Designed to represent the side of the hull of a ship, this was a large vertically mounted rectangular steel target (6m high by 12m long) built of half inch thick steel plates, in order to test the effectiveness of air to ground ordnance on shipping. This included 20 and 40mm cannon, and the 6 pounder gun fitted to converted versions of the de Havilland Mosquito. The concrete foundations are all that remain today seen here in the photo, making it easy to imagine the structure on its concrete plinth, together with the angled supporting girders on the squares behind.

Uploaded to Geograph by Mike Searle on 13 May 2015

Creative Commons License Photo © Mike Searle, 13 May 2015. Licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons licence

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