Deal, Kent

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Deal is a town in Kent

Other current and historical names

Location and coordinates are for the approximate centre of Deal within this administrative area. Geographic features and populated places may cross administrative borders.

Deal in historic gazetteers

Gazetteer of the British Isles (Edinburgh: Bartholomew, 1887). John Bartholomew

Deal, municipal borough, market town, seaport, and par. with ry. sta., E. Kent, 4 miles SE. of Sandwich and 82 miles SE. of London -- par. and bor., 1111 ac., pop. 8500; P.O., T.O., 1 Bank, 3 newspapers.Market-days, Tuesday and Saturday. D. has of late years been resorted to as a watering-place, and baths, libraries, bazaars, and a promenade pier 1000 ft. in length have been erected for summer visitors. The town, however, derives its importance mainly from its vicinity to the Downs, and the chief trade consists in victualling wind-bound vessels. There is also a little boatbuilding and sailmaking. D. is a great pilot station, and the boatmen have long been famous for their skill and daring. Deal is now a sub-port of Dover. Henry VIII. erected three castles in the vicinity -- Walmer, Sandown, and Deal; the last, at the 8. end of the town, has been converted into a private residence. Deal is a corporate member of the Cinque Port of Sandwich, and formed part of the parl. bor. of Sandwich, which was disfranchised in 1885.

Deal in the Domesday Book

A village in Cornilo hundred, in the county of Kent.

Three manors recorded in Domesday. is a Good Stuff website.