This is the site of the former abattoir for Woodlands Farm. Woodlands Farm was taken over by the Royal Arsenal Co-Operative Society in 1920, and in 1936 an abattoir was built on this site. The abattoir carried out work for all Co-ops in South East London and was in use between 1937 and 1989, but from 16th March 1985 it functioned solely as a meat depot. The building stood empty from October 1989 until it was demolished, between May and June 1994. Now all that remains is some of the concrete hard standing, the old entrance gates and some rather eerie remains of lamp posts. The whole site, surrounded as it is by woodland, is quiet and eerie. This is even more the case in view of what happened here in 1987.
Uploaded to Geograph by Marathon on 21 April 2015
Photo © Marathon, 21 April 2015.
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