Circa 1883 by Sir Arthur Blomfield. Flint with stone dressings and plain tiled roofs. Nave, chancel, North transept, South porch, South- East tower. Corner buttresses, plinth, moulded string at cill level and gable parapets. 3 stage tower with paired recessed louvred lancets in top stage and tall pyramidal roof. Gabled South porch with paired lancets to West and 2-light plate traceried window to East under drip mould. Interior: simple 5 bay nave and 3 bay chancel, 2 bay carved timber screen to North transept, stained glass by Morris & Co. with East window possibly to the design of Burne-Jones, mediaeval floor tiles from original church set in the wall below the tower.
Uploaded to Geograph by Oswald Bertram on 3 July 2015
Photo © Oswald Bertram, 3 July 2015.
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