The cliffs of Aoineadh Beinn na Sroine rise 220m above the sea, and are riven by gullies, offering no escape route for the sea kayaker, even if he could effect a landing. There is a narrow wave-cut platform between the cliffs and the sea and, though very rough, this could provide an avenue of escape to one of the small number of valleys that cut to the coast at a climbable gradient. The shore is much used by feral goats, but they laugh in the face of rough terrain.... For the sea kayaker it is a committing stretch of coast with no real alternative but to paddle the full distance along the coast of the Laggan peninsula.
Uploaded to Geograph by Andy Waddington on 8 March 2010
Photo © Andy Waddington, 8 March 2010.
Licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons licence