Tally-ho Covert, Cheshire East

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Tally-ho Covert, Cheshire East

  • Built-Up Area: Ravensmoor
  • Parish/Community: Burland
  • Unitary Authority: Cheshire East
  • Region: North West
  • Category: Landcover
  • Type: Forest or Wood
  • Latitude/Longitude: 53°3'33"N 2°33'54"W
  • Eastings/Northings: 362230, 351476
  • OS Grid: SJ622514
  • Mapcode Local: GBR 7R.C7FQ
  • Mapcode Global: WH9B9.KCSL

Location and coordinates are for the approximate centre of Tally-ho Covert within this administrative area. Geographic features and populated places may cross administrative borders.

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