Runcorn, Halton

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Runcorn is a town in Halton

Other current and historical names

Location and coordinates are for the approximate centre of Runcorn within this administrative area. Geographic features and populated places may cross administrative borders.

Runcorn in historic gazetteers

Gazetteer of the British Isles (Edinburgh: Bartholomew, 1887). John Bartholomew

Runcorn, seaport town, par., and township, Cheshire, on river Mersey, 12½ miles SE. of Liverpool and 28 SW. of Manchester by rail - par., 18,894 ac. (2140 water), pop. 22,350; township, 1153 ac., pop. 14,812; town, 1490 ac., pop. 15,126; P.O., T.O, 1 Bank, 2 news-papers. Market-days, Tuesday and Friday. Runcom is an ancient place, where a castle was founded in 916, and a priory in 1133, but was a mere fishing village until 1761, when it was made the terminus of the Bridgwater Canal. It has spacious docks, and every requisite for an extensive trade. (For shipping statistics, see Appendix.) The industries include ship-building, ropemaking, tanning, quarrying, and the mfr. of chemicals. Between Runcorn and Widnes the Mersey is spanned by a magnificent railway bridge. is a Good Stuff website.