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Location and coordinates are for the approximate centre of Hitchin within this administrative area. Geographic features and populated places may cross administrative borders.
Gazetteer of the British Isles (Edinburgh: Bartholomew, 1887). John Bartholomew
Hitchin.-- market town and par. with ry. sta., Herts, on river Hiz, 32 miles N. of London--par., 6420c., pop. 9070; town, pop. 8434; P.O., T.O., 2 Banks, 3 newspapers. Market-day, Tuesday. Hitchen is a large and ancient town, pleasantly situated in a fertile valley; it is well built, and consists for the most part of spacious streets. The principal object of interest is St Mary's Church. The town has trade in corn, flour, and malt; there are several large malting-houses and a brewery. Straw-plaiting is a prominent industry, also the growing of lavender; in vicinity of town is the seat of Hitchin Priory.
A village in Hitchin hundred, in the county of Bedfordshire.
Two manors recorded in Domesday.
1st Manor
2nd Manor