Drayton in the Domesday Book
A village in Kirton hundred,
in the county of Lincolnshire.
Six manors recorded in Domesday.
1st Manor
- Lord of the Manor in 1066: Earl Ralph the constable
- Tenant in Chief in 1086: Count Alan
- Lord of the Manor in 1086: Count Alan
- Taxable Value: 8 1⁄4 geld
- Value to Lord of the Manor: £30 in 1066; £70 in 1086
- Households: 6 villagers; 1 smallholder; 6 freemen
- Plough Teams: 5 men's ploughs (8 plough lands)
- Meadow: 40 acres
- Other resources: 4.5 salthouses
2nd Manor
- Lord of the Manor in 1066: Abbey of Crowland St Guthlac
- Tenant in Chief in 1086: Abbey of Crowland
- Lord of the Manor in 1086: Kolgrim of Grantham (subinfeudated)
- Taxable Value: 1 geld
- Households: 5 villagers
- Meadow: 6 acres
- Other resources: 4 salthouses
3rd Manor
- Lord of the Manor in 1066: Bishop of Dorchester
- Tenant in Chief in 1086: Count Alan
- Lord of the Manor in 1086: Count Alan
- Taxable Value: 1 geld
- Value to Lord of the Manor: 3 shillings in 1066; 2 shillings in 1086
- Households: 2 smallholders
- Meadow: 8 acres
- Other resources: 1 salthouse
4th Manor
- Lord of the Manor in 1066: Greifi
- Tenant in Chief in 1086: Count Alan
- Lord of the Manor in 1086: Toli (subinfeudated)
- Taxable Value: 3⁄4 geld
- Value to Lord of the Manor: 16 shillings in 1066; 16 shillings in 1086
- Households: 4 villagers; 4 smallholders
- Plough Teams: 1 lord's plough; 1 men's plough ( 3⁄4 plough land)
- Meadow: 10 acres
- Other resources: 0.5 salthouses
5th Manor
- Lord of the Manor in 1066: Aethelstan son of Godram
- Tenant in Chief in 1086: Guy of Craon
- Lord of the Manor in 1086: Guy of Craon
- Taxable Value: 1⁄2 geld
- Value to Lord of the Manor: 5 shillings in 1066; 3 shillings in 1086
- Households: 1 villager; 4 smallholders
- Plough Teams: 1⁄2 men's plough ( 1⁄2 plough land)
- Meadow: 2 acres
6th Manor
- Overlord in 1066: Earl Ralph the constable
- Lord of the Manor in 1066: Withar
- Tenant in Chief in 1086: Godric
- Lord of the Manor in 1086: Godric
- Taxable Value: 1⁄2 geld
- Households: 3 smallholders
- Meadow: 2 acres