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Location and coordinates are for the approximate centre of Buckingham within this administrative area. Geographic features and populated places may cross administrative borders.
Gazetteer of the British Isles (Edinburgh: Bartholomew, 1887). John Bartholomew
Buckingham, mun. bor., par., and former co. town of Bucks, on river Ouse, 17 miles NW. of Aylesbury, 24 NE. of Oxford, and 61 from London by rail, 5007 ac., pop. 3585; 3 Banks, 2 newspapers. Market-days, Monday and Saturday; an ancient town, almost encircled by the river, which is here crossed by 3 bridges; it has a Free Grammar-School, founded by Edward VI., and is an agricultural centre, with numerous fairs for horses, cattle, and sheep. Malting and tanning are carried on, and limestone and marble are quarried in the vicinity. The bor. returned 1 member to Parliament until 1885.
A village in Rowley hundred, in the county of Buckinghamshire.
Twelve manors recorded in Domesday.
1st Manor
2nd Manor
3rd Manor
4th Manor
5th Manor
6th Manor
7th Manor
8th Manor
9th Manor
10th Manor
11th Manor
12th Manor