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Location and coordinates are for the approximate centre of Bothwell within this administrative area. Geographic features and populated places may cross administrative borders.
Gazetteer of the British Isles (Edinburgh: Bartholomew, 1887). John Bartholomew
Bothwell.-- par. and town with ry. sta., N. Lanarkshire, on right bank of river Clyde, 8 miles SE. of Glasgow, 13,064 ac., pop. 25,466; town, pop. 1520; P.O., T.O., 1 Bank. In the vicinity is the splendid Norman ruin of B. Castle, to the E. of which is the modern mansion. B. Bridge (now modernised) was the scene of the battle (1679) in which the Covenanters were defeated by the Royal troops under Monmouth. Here also is a priory, founded in 13th century. The manse of B. was the birthplace of Joanna Baillie (1762-1851), the dramatist and poetess.